Alamere Falls Beach Point Reyes  California
Alamere Falls Beach Point Reyes California

One of my favorite hikes in Marin County, California is from the Palomarin trailhead to Alamere Falls.  My favorite time to hike it is after a storm to catch the waterfall at it's finest.  this image was taken at a time when the surf was more interesting than the waterfall.  The stormy clouds, sandy beach, violent waves and curious seagull tell the story of the rugged Point Reyes National Seashore better than words ever could.  

Bridlevail Falls from Tunnel View Yosemite.jpg
Coming Home.jpg
Half Dome Black and White.jpg
Oyster Bay Pt Reyes.jpg
san Francisco at night with full moon.jpg
Seattle Skyline.jpg
Seattle Waterfront.jpg
Sunset at Tunnel View Yosemite national Park 3 .jpg
Winding Down.jpg